Since founding our company back in 2019, we’ve always put 100% effort into every project we do to make our clients happy. It wasn’t always easy but we always did our best to provide our clients with the best solutions that fit their needs.
Today, those efforts have been vindicated and told us more than anything that we are on the right track. This is because we have just been named as the Top B2B Company in Ethiopia for the year 2021 by Clutch.
For those unfamiliar with their work, Clutch is an online B2B review platform that’s based in Washington DC. They are unique in the industry for their use of a verification system that ensures the legitimacy of the information being sent to them for publishing.
All of the published reviews featured on Clutch (like the one below) go through this stringent process.
But not all of the companies that earn them get awarded by Clutch as an industry leader. A company will need to earn multiple high-quality reviews just to be considered. This feat requires consistent top-level performance that we are proud to have achieved. In fact, this is how our management team expressed their gratitude for this important milestone.
“We’re very pleased to have an award from probably the best B2B rating platform. This award would let our potential customers know we’re competitive and hardworking.” – CEO of Sheger Tech.
In fact, this award has already resulted in more exposure for our team because we’ve also been featured on a visual portfolio site. This is why we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our partners for helping make this happen.
We’re only just starting to grow as a company and if you are willing to take a chance on us, we’ll make sure you get the best experience possible. Contact our team today, and we can gets started on bringing you a bigger bottom line.